Migraine Dogs is a group of people who are disabled by chronic migraine — a neurological disease consisting of various symptoms throughout the body — and who have, are training, or want a service dog to help them. A service dog, by US definition, is a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Service dogs for migraineurs perform various tasks that include alerting the handler that a migraine is about to begin, helping with mobility if the handler has vertigo or hemiplegic weakness/paralysis, guiding the handler if they have blind spots to total blindness during migraine episodes, retrieving items the handler has trouble getting due to a variety of symptoms, get help from others (including bringing a note to strangers/emergency personnel if the handler can't talk due to aphasia), and more.

If you are disabled by migraine and are interested in service dogs for migraine, we welcome you to join us!

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